About Us

The British Columbia Fire Fighter Curling Association is a national organization started as the result of the dedicated efforts of a Vancouver fire fighter named Aubrey Neff.  He first organized a Vancouver Fire Department League and then became the British Columbia Fire Fighters Curling Association. In 1958, Aubrey sent correspondance to fire fighters in every major city in Canada proposing a dream of a Dominion Fire Fighters Curling Championship.:

The results are as follows:

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Mr. Neff’s dream had become a reality, the Canadian Fire Fighters Curling Association. This is the only competition that gathers fire fighters from every province and territory in Canada to compete for a national championship. Every province and territory has now hosted this event.

President Aubrey Neff Elected in 1960
President Aubrey Neff
Elected in 1960

Sadly, Aubrey Neff, our founding father passed away in Chilliwack, B.C. on Sunday, March 9, 1997, at the age of 74, after losing a courageous battle with cancer. The memory of his legacy will live on in the hearts of every fire fighter who participates in this curling championship. One man’s dream remains a reality for all who continue to champion his cause…….